Thanks for putting those on here - needed a good laugh
CS 101
many colors available!
spread the good news today!.
Thanks for putting those on here - needed a good laugh
CS 101
2008 keep yourselves in god's love--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced to 2.4-mb from (anonymous-5) please note the "appendix" of this book!
click the link at the bottom of the next page.
Thanks for sharing this - its not really helping with my blood pressure though!
All I see is control of thought and action. Is that what being Christian is about? Does so many aspects of our lives have to be judged on? Well yes of course, how else can you have Unity (conformity) and keep up the image of the society to non believers?
By cutting and pasting all this junk, it will create total obedience for some, and others will become feeling more crap and fall away.
Where is the love? Where is the light load Jesus spoke about? Where is the individuals Christian conscience?
Wonder how my family will treat me now with these reminders?
CS 101
i dont know why, but this has left me feeling angry.. it could be that normally i go and pick them up to take them to school on this morning.
i think its more than likely that i know they are staying there in a hotel and that part of things will be made fun for my children - not that i have a problem with that, its because its coupled with the knowledge that they will be associating it with going to a jw convention, and all that will be is an indoctrination session and self praise for the society.. whilst i think the children will see things from both sides, from me no longer being a jw and living a typical non jw life, and then with their mother (who is a good woman) who is a devoted dub, i think the control techniques and cult thinking and propagander are designed to place mental barriers to which someone like me should be unable to penetrate.
whether in practice that turns out to be so, we'll have to let to time show.. its just so frustrating to think someone can be so blinded, and suck up everything thats spouted out from the leaders, and try their very best to bring their children up with that too.
I dont know why, but this has left me feeling angry.
It could be that normally I go and pick them up to take them to school on this morning. I think its more than likely that I know they are staying there in a hotel and that part of things will be made fun for my children - not that I have a problem with that, its because its coupled with the knowledge that they will be associating it with going to a JW convention, and all that will be is an indoctrination session and self praise for the society.
Whilst I think the children will see things from both sides, from me no longer being a JW and living a typical non JW life, and then with their mother (who is a good woman) who is a devoted dub, I think the control techniques and cult thinking and propagander are designed to place mental barriers to which someone like me should be unable to penetrate. Whether in practice that turns out to be so, we'll have to let to time show.
Its just so frustrating to think someone can be so blinded, and suck up everything thats spouted out from the leaders, and try their very best to bring their children up with that too. There are so many things that can prove that it is false - take for but one example the Generation teaching and its multiple changes, that alone proves that there is nothing faithful or descreet coming out of that supposed slave, 'feeding' the congregation for years on what now amounts to be unedible spiritual untruths. Sure illusion eventually meets up with reality, but what if that is only when someone passes away and the promises prove to be false, they wont even be aware of it! Hopefully it comes a lot sooner. I surely dont want my children to look back and hate their upbringing, its just getting the balance right, cause i'm sure we can all look back with fond memories when we were young JW's, I just hope it isnt too traumatic an experience for them, should they be able to break free of the primary parent's view and wishes.
Anyone else had these feelings recently?
CS 101
do you feel that we will ever be free from the mental damage imposed by our parents?
i have been df'd for over 17 years.
basically, my entire family still remain active jw's.
Not quite born in, but very young.
Every experience in life will stay with you, and for sure the negative things can stack up and sometime produce a quite cynical, or even depressed person, and degree's anywhere in between. I recon its healthy to invest in a life away from the past and look forward not back. Its easy for us to want someone to blame for things that happen. Yet this isn't alway a choice, think of those affected by disease or disaster. They have no one to blame and yet terrible things happened to them.
Would our life have been better had we been brought up another way? Sure its possible and our imagination allows us to believe it could have been, and yet the possibility is also that this path we were taken along was much better for us than the nightmare's some kids had to grow up from. Life has its fair and unfair moments, no one will escape that, so all we can do as a person is work on our attitude's to how the good and bad things affect us. Don't we admire the spirit of someone who is terminally ill that seems to have such a lot of love and happiness in spite of their reality? Why do we give ourselves any less.
Of course I have down days, but I try to control the wasted time on these feelings, when there is nothing I could do to change the past.
I wish you well on your journey in life
CS 101
Brilliant edition to the video comments - thanks V and those involved!
It was exactly the Watchtower propagander that shook my mind free of it. I kept hearing how the Pharisees did such and such and then the next item on the Service meeting would be about conforming to certain details at a convention! I always thought, I dont need to be told this or that - I know what I should or should not be doing, how am I being Christian when I dont have to decide to do the right thing only follow what I've been told. I couldn't understand how we could condemn certain things and then it was ok for us cause we were the truth. My mind jarred from hearing this and awakened.
What I later realised was that I had been in a bubble created by my upbringing, and I could be told pretty much anything and believe it. One thing that makes me laugh is that when you were explaining something to a non JW, you could hear yourself spouting things that even sounded crazy to you! Only in the confines of the congregation away from normal people did it make sense again.
CS 101
" (ps.
but like david, we can be comforted in knowing that jehovah fully understands our distresses.-ps.34:15.. ot example--david.
ot example--solomon.
Thanks for your efforts in trawling through this material - wow it really brought back memories! I suddenly felt the doom and gloom, that the Watchtower wanted us to feel, so it could hold out the needed works and the carrot of paradise.
I always wondered what the point of praying for something was when we had to work for it anyhow? And how come some people got their prayers answered (according to the person involved) when others did not?
I'd say life is tough of course but we can maintain a happy outlook by our mental attitude, not trying to believe someone else's dream fantasy.
I think if I was still attending today, i'd have switched off at the first paragraph as the article followed the same pattern as last week and the week before and...
Excellent video comments,
Puts it so easily for the watcher to see how the GB makes things up as it goes along. I mean with this new meeting arrangement, they have now decided whats going to change, who put them up to this in the first place! Clearly from the way they have put it, men have made choices, its not from God.
CS 101
Thanks for putting this together, excellent comments!
For me the biggest thing is the fact that when you read the bible without any pre determined idea's (such as a secondary fulfilment of the generation), you see that there is no hint or suggestion of any fulfilment other than to those living at the time. Massive leaps are made to bring it into this 21st century, clever repeating of certain idea's to convince the reader that they are facts. How can you trust a belief system that has to change so many times, even back to a former position!
When all it took was reading it in context to get this current view, then how the hell have they been looking at it up till now!
So good when the docrinal reinforcing techniques wear off, suddenly the scriptures talk for themselves and make so much more sense.
CS 101
Fantastic comments!
Hope you will come back and do another comments Don!
Really liked the way you showed the language used to reinforce the concept, and put it in plain terms, to show the real meaning. Of course for those of us that have broken free and no longer see the GB as Jesus appointed slave, its easier to cut through the statements, but I hope some active JW's who have read this will be awakened and can take their first brave steps, to reality.
CS 101
i watched the video version but miss the written.
like to keep up on my wt studies ya know.
Have a look at the following post with the explanation regarding no text version of this weeks study:
I for one miss the text version, i do understand the time demands and the new video format really cuts to the chase and is probably getting much greater and effective coverage. But as I have no access to the Watchtower, I miss seeing a text comments.
Top video though!
CS 101